What is LIFE like at Spada Care Homes?
The Problem Autism, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, ALS, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s are all neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegenerative diseases occur when neurons – or nerve cells – progressively lose their structure, function or die altogether. Without properly functioning neurons one’s body becomes unable to send proper signals throughout the nervous system. As a geriatric nurse specializing in geriatrics,…
We practice a full evacuation drill every year. The goal is to evacuate everyone within 5 minutes, which is the minimum legal requirement in Washington state. I’m pleased to say that today, our performance was well below the 5 minute limit by a substantial amount: total evacuation time was 02 minutes, 53 seconds! It takes practice and strategic training…
Residents at Spada Care Homes have been having fun outside – what beautiful weather we’re having! And productive too… planting basil, oregano, mint, lettuce, and other herbs. Most of this will end up in a scrumptious delicious meal, and the residents are going to be very proud of themselves!
Starting April 2016, our pharmacy provider, RxTra Care, has closed and its operation was taken over by Kelly Ross. Kelly Ross is one of the oldest pharmacy in Seattle, established circa 1925, and after meeting with their senior staff today and touring their long term care pharmacy location on Eastlake Ave. in Seattle, they’re officially my…
Live music is so powerful in enriching the lives of Residents. Tadd, of Joyful Noise, is here on a weekly basis to share his music with everyone.
Malie is a Nursing Assistant Registered and our newest main staff at the Alicia Park location. When asked what she loves most about working at Spada Care Homes, Malie says, “To see the residents happy! They need our help, our love and our care. My responsibility and goal is to make sure they get that.…
In this brief video, I speak with Darrell Gantt about why I started Spada Care Homes. More and more, adult family homes are becoming the top choice for many seniors who need long-term care. But, as with any important endeavor such as long-term or memory care for someone you love, you want to make sure you pick…
I’m often asked, “what’s the difference between a memory care unit, and dementia care that is provided in an adult family home?” Other families are weary of institutions and wonder if they should consider, or avoid, institutional memory care units as offered by assisted living facilities. This article defines memory care and addresses critical differences between settings,…
When I worked in nursing homes, I routinely cared for 8-to-14 residents, and even more during the frequent staff shortages, which by the way are still common today. I’ve learned that one thing just about everyone dreads as they age is the possibility of ending up in a nursing home. Sharing a room with strangers,…
HOW COLORS AFFECT MOOD I’ve always been a fan of vibrant colors, but sadly, when it comes to picking the “right” color for walls in my homes, well… I do a lot of repainting! None-the-less, I’ve been wanting to use the power of color to help residents in my adult family homes feel better for a long…
There are obviously many reasons why people choose to live at Spada Homes adult family homes. There are really two questions: one, is this the right setting? Second, is this the right adult family home? Many of the referrals we get are driven by one or more of these issues: Being discharged from hospital or nursing…
Keisha asked mom if she was tired when we were about to leave. Mom said not really, so Keisha invited her to watch TV in one of the recliners. Mom loved that idea so Keisha made it all cozy, and got her a blanket. Mom was really happy because it was just like being at…
My mom spent her last few months at one of Joseph homes and she was lovingly cared for. I spent the last 3 weeks of her life, all day by her side and witnessed first hand such loving care from Joseph's staff. They sat and eat meals with the residents, engaging then in meaningful conversation. It is where I would want to be if I were in need of that level of care.
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