I was truly impressed by their level of innovation, use of advanced technology and automation, and a high dose of enthusiasm for their work. I believe Kelly Ross will add to the quality of services and convenience our clients and enjoy.
Below, you will find their contact information as well as some forms you may need to use to establish an account for yourself or your parents.
If you were an established client with RxTra Care, your billing information and medication profile should be automatically transferred.
We will be using their Mediset packaging, which is one of the most advanced system I’ve seen. Here are some of my favorite features:
The front label identifies each medication’s name and dosage, administration instructions, the prescribing physician and features an actual image of each medication. The label also shows how many pills are in each slot.
Having an actual drug image is extremely helpful in helping us clearly identify which medication is which. Even though it would seem basic and common sense to have this, hardly anyone does it!

The front label identifies each medication’s name and dosage, the prescribing physician and features an actual image of the medication.
Medisets come with perforations that allow for an individual time of day to be torn off and travel with you without the bulk of the entire Mediset pack.
In addition, each and every slot is also labeled with the resident name, the date and time medication(s) should be given, and lists each drug contained within that pouch. This is a very advanced practice which contributes to medication administration safety, helps reduce medication errors and provides even more convenience and ease of use.

Each Mediset comes with perforations that allow for an individual time of day to be torn off and travel with you without the bulk of the entire Mediset pack.
What else should you know?
Kelly Ross delivers directly to our adult family homes 6 days a week. They also have a pharmacist on call 24/7 in case of an urgent medication-related need.
Enrollment form:
- New Patient Intake Forms
You can either fill out the online form using the link below, or download the forms here and fax or mail them to Kelly Ross.
Enroll Online:
Contact Kelly Ross Pharmacy:
Kelley-Ross Long-Term Care Pharmacy
2324 Eastlake Ave E.
Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98102
Tel: 206.838.4590
Fax: 206.838.4599
info@kelley-ross.com (Attn: LTC)