Hospice programs are designed to provide end-of-life care management if you have a life-threatening illness. In general, you can qualify for hospice care services if your doctor feels your life expectancy is less than 6 months, or if your disease is uncurable and your symptoms are worsening.
Why would you want you want hospice care services?
There are several benefits about hospice care, one of the most compelling is that you will get emotional and practical support from nurses who are very experienced in end of life care.
How does hospice work?
The first step is to detemine if you qulify for services. An intake nurse or social worker will assess your particulars and determine your eligibility according to Medicaire guidelines.
Then, a care plan is usually developed by you and attending physician, with the input of your family members and staff at your facility – if you reside in a care facilty.
When you receive hospice care, we are allowed not to call 911/EMS and let nature take its natural course without the Emergency Medical System intervening, unless you have other wishes. Hospice programs provide you with a team approach to your care. In a hospice program, a team of nursing staff, doctors, social workers, other health professionals, volunteers, chaplains, family, and friends all work together to bring comfort, care, and dignity on your final journey of life.
They provide excellent support with comfort measures and pain management, and in handling logistical details such as obtaining prescription orders, medical equipment, and supporting your family members.
After the resident passes, hospice will usually notify the appropriate parties including the physician and medical examiner.
Who pays for hospice care services?
Hospice services can be covered by Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, and private fees. Some programs will offer hospice services regardless of your ability to pay. At Spada Homes, we’ve work countless times with hospice programs in the Seattle area, especially Providence Hospice of Seattle.
Please contact Joseph Spada, LPN if you have questions or if we can help in any way. We are here to help you and family members find the most appropriate care where you will receive safe and comfortable care that you are happy with.